Sunday, June 22, 2014

BlahBlahBloggerhood - Places I've Been

This week's Blah Blah Bloggerhood is "Places I've Been or Would Like to Go"
Places I've been is pretty boring. I do not get out much now. In the past, I've been to Myrtle Beach, SC to visit my mom, and see my middle sister get married. I really liked it there, but boy was it hot. I've been to North Carolina to the Outer Banks, really loved it there, just beautiful, also been to the mountains in North Carolina, loved that too. Been to Virginia to visit family. When I was younger(I've been up there a few years ago too), we use to go to the Pocono Mountains, I really love it up there. It has to be one of my favorite places to go. So calm and peaceful.

Places I would love to travel to Coastal Maine, London, France, Ukraine, Germany.
Till Next Time ~
Blah, Blah, Blah.......

1 comment:

  1. I used to live in VA, but my part wasn't all that pretty! I like the post we lived on, though! Maine is gorgeous, though. I've been to the Ukraine and it is unbelievable in the country! My Blah Blah is here...


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